This site provides guidance on how to set up and interact with your hosted environment. Please take a moment to review the topics covered.

Important Note: If this is your first time logging into the RDP environment, you need to perform an initial Multi-Factor Authorization and create a new password.

Setting Up Access and Signing Into Your Hosted Environment

If this is your first time accessing the hosted environment, please click on the appropriate link to view instructions on how to properly set up access and sign in.

Environment Basics

The topics covered below will familiarize you with the basics of the hosted environment. Click on each link to review the information.

Wizmo AdminSet

The Wizmo AdminSet tool is designed to meet the administrative needs of a company's organization. This tool is available only to admin users within a company, which allows the AdminSet user to perform the following functions:

Technical Information

In order to use the Cloud Environment, please review the requirements.